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Tips: Informationseftermiddag om hälsofrämjande arbetssätt för att förbättra äldreomsorgen
OPEN-gruppen vid Karolinska Institutet tillsammans med Stockholms Sjukhem anordnar en informations-/diskussionseftermiddag för att prata om hälsofrämjande arbetssätt för att förbättra äldreomsorgen.
Medverkar gör bland annat Professor Juergen Bauer från University of Heidelberg en världsauktoritet inom geriatrik och äldreomsorg.
Tema: Exercise and food for health and activity at old age
Evidence for the importance of healthy food and exercise for an active and healthy life accumulates, which is true also for the highest age ranges. The results of the Older Person Exercise and Nutrition (OPEN) Study indicate that modest muscle exercises combined with protein supplementation improve muscle function, nutritional status and empowerment among older people residing in older care homes.
The OPEN Consortium of Stockholms Sjukhem, Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital invites you to an inspirational afternoon to listen to and to discuss about implementation of healthy life style related habits in older populations.
13.30-13.35 | Welcome introduction Associate professor Anne-Marie Boström, RN, Karolinska Institutet, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholms Sjukhem |
13.35-14.05 | Exercise and nutrition for the prevention and treatment of mobility limitations and sarcopenia in older adults Professor Juergen Bauer, Heidelberg University, Germany |
14.10-14.25 | The Older Person Exercise and Nutrition (OPEN) Study – effects on function, nutrition and empowerment Professor Tommy Cederholm, MD, Karolinska University Hospital, Uppsala University, Stockholms Sjukhem and Anne-Marie Boström |
14.25-14.40 | Activities at the National Board of Health and Welfare on organization and content of future Swedish elderly care Eva Lindkvist, Head of the National Competence Centre for Elderly care, National Board of Health and Welfare |
14.40 | Leg stretch |
14.45-15.30 | Panel discussion (moderator Erika Franzén, professor Karolinska Institutet) Speakers including representative of the National Board of Health and Welfare, Peter Ceder, Business Area Manager, Stockholms Sjukhem, Peter Lönnqvist, Chair, Care and Social Services Committee, Lidingö Stad, and Anders Wimo, Professor emeritus, Karolinska Institutet. |
15.30- | Networking mingle with snacks and drinks |
Vid frågor kontakta Anne-Marie Boström, Stockholms Sjukhem, anne-marie.bostrom@stockholmssjukhem.se
Via denna länk. Begränsat antal platser.